Sadick Dermatology, Park Avenue NYC
Words, Judith Ecochard
Consumers may be holding back (up) on the seriously pricey stuff…a house, a new car…a facelift (ha ha)…but during an hour long briefing on the innovative future of dermatology--- precisely delivered by Dr. Neil Sadick…we were actually inspired by the latest breakthroughs…cosmetic and medical-wise.
And truly wonder if the facelift is fast becoming relegated to the realms of ancient history…like Windows 5 or (insert your most hated piece of virus/spam laden software here).
A noted practitioner, teacher and top notch researcher/published author, Sadick is always on the cutting edge of dermatological/ medical technology. We rely on him to sort through the science of it all…and to recount for us 'physics for poets' types- what’s truly promising.
Some Highlights (and OF COURSE---do your own research and solicit advice from qualified medical professionals!!!!!!!!)
Learning that half of Sadick’s practice is for medical conditions, think skin cancer…it is encouraging to hear that the LUCID VivaScope® a non-invasive, supped up imaging device can greatly aid the medical profession, in real time, to make a call on skin cells…thereby preventing unnecessary biopsies…and/or the insane two week wait a pal of ours endured…waiting for the results (negative, yeah!!!) of a suspicious looking mole. And who wants another scar…though with deadly melanoma, that’s the least of it. (ETA 2010).
Images of VivaScope 1500 and VivaScope 3000 from LUCID VivaScope®

Another breakthrough Sadick mentioned belonged to MelaFind®-a computer assisted handheld “gun” made by Electro-Optical Sciences ---that captures imagesunder the skin’s surface--- of a suspected skin lesion mole ----via 10 different wavelengths of light---thus allowing clinicians to see what lies beneath, so to speak (2.5 millimeters). And again, a diagnosis is made in a timely matter--- without body scarring. (Under FDA Review).
Image from company website

Given that the best candidate for body shaping is a person who is in overall good health, fit, with good skin tone and at their ideal weight…that’s right…
There are a few procedures that use the latest technology and deliver results.
First discussed was LipoSonix™ a device that uses high intensity, ultrasound energy to create a thermal effect that destroys fat cells via focused heat…and from what we can see via a web search…the targeted area is the abdominal section. Apparently, “the results are as good as liposuction…” with the slimming effects showing up in 8-12 weeks. AKA-“…a major aesthetic breakthrough.” Available in Europe and under FDA review.
Another body contour/fat reduction modality that Sadick “is really excited about” is the non-invasive UltraShape® that uses similar focused ultrasound wave energy (for belly fat), without any downtime…while “skin, vessels, nerves and connective tissues remain unharmed.” The protocol seems to call for a recommended three treatments, spaced two weeks apart. Before and After Image From ULTRASHAPE®

Dr, Sadick also talked about Zeltiq, ™ a non-invasive cooling of fat cells “based on the patented method of Cryolipolysis,™” that targets and eliminates fat cells. Apparently, the precisely controlled procedure induces lipolysis- a “natural biological inflammatory response” that causes the body to dispose of the damaged fat cells. And as above, all other body parts, including the skin, remain unchanged. (Pending FDA Approval For Non-Invasive Fat Layer Reduction according to company website…as is a Before and After Photo Gallery Link).
For non-invasive tissue tightening, i.e. ---firming up the dreaded cellulite, the presentation focused on how actually understanding what it is…or “a new classification system of cellulite” (brown vs white cells)-should lead to better treatments. Some new approaches that Sadick touched on include the already popular in Europe- Acoustic Wave Therapy “AWT” (yup---like what’s used to bust-up kidney stones) that manipulates the connective tissues= “skin firmness increases and blood circulation in the tissue is significantly enhanced.” A good thing. We did some digging and found that there are two types of AWT out there.
FYI: Sadick’s Research Group is conducting a clinical study on AWT. So, where were we at the sign-up?!
Fillers…are big. No pun intended, but injectables like the FDA approved hyaluronic acid dermal filler Juvéderm® Ultra and Juvéderm® Ultra Plus are already being used to augment cheekbones, facial folds and lips...
What we deem ‘cool’ is the ANTEIS™ Injection system…a pointer pen like, electronic injection device that’s a “technological innovation for optimizing clinical results for filler treatments.” Supposedly this device is a major leap over the plunger pressure or syringe graduations that are employed now…meaning less pain, less bruising and more uniform results. A search on the web turned up the InjectNow Academy™ that makes this patented instrument…
More gain and less pain---in a manner of speaking.
New fillers on the horizon that are aimed at trends including “pan-facial volumizers”…and bio-active fillers that stimulate one’s own cells for lasting facial rejuvenation--- are at various stages of study in the USA--- and at times, already used overseas.
Juvéderm™’s VOLUMA™- “developed to be smoother than other hyaluronic acid (HA) volumizers, making it easier to inject during treatment and resulting in a smooth, natural look and feel…”( Juvéderm™ VOLUMA™).
PLUS: for restoring facial volume.
The hyaluronic acid mixed with tricalcium phosphate, dermal filler Atléan, ® (see Before and After Image from company website) that can last about 12 months…and encourage one's own cells to grow...

…and Hydrelle™, a hyaluronic acid, facial wrinkle filler that is mixed with the ‘lessens the pain’- lidocaine.
We were particularly intrigued with customized fillers for aesthetic purposes via---Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)…a treatment that uses one’s own cells to heal the body. We found a terrific article on how athletes and their doctors use this to heal their own injuries-in the New York Times.
Future applications of Autologous PRP that, according to Sadick, can be applied as an injectable or topical gel to “aid in various metabolic processes…”
include use …as long term fillers---similar to lipotransfer (injecting one’s own fat in the hope that it takes-like a biological scaffold), and “localized injectable rejuvenation.”
Words, Judith Ecochard
Consumers may be holding back (up) on the seriously pricey stuff…a house, a new car…a facelift (ha ha)…but during an hour long briefing on the innovative future of dermatology--- precisely delivered by Dr. Neil Sadick…we were actually inspired by the latest breakthroughs…cosmetic and medical-wise.
And truly wonder if the facelift is fast becoming relegated to the realms of ancient history…like Windows 5 or (insert your most hated piece of virus/spam laden software here).
A noted practitioner, teacher and top notch researcher/published author, Sadick is always on the cutting edge of dermatological/ medical technology. We rely on him to sort through the science of it all…and to recount for us 'physics for poets' types- what’s truly promising.
Some Highlights (and OF COURSE---do your own research and solicit advice from qualified medical professionals!!!!!!!!)
Learning that half of Sadick’s practice is for medical conditions, think skin cancer…it is encouraging to hear that the LUCID VivaScope® a non-invasive, supped up imaging device can greatly aid the medical profession, in real time, to make a call on skin cells…thereby preventing unnecessary biopsies…and/or the insane two week wait a pal of ours endured…waiting for the results (negative, yeah!!!) of a suspicious looking mole. And who wants another scar…though with deadly melanoma, that’s the least of it. (ETA 2010).
Images of VivaScope 1500 and VivaScope 3000 from LUCID VivaScope®

Another breakthrough Sadick mentioned belonged to MelaFind®-a computer assisted handheld “gun” made by Electro-Optical Sciences ---that captures imagesunder the skin’s surface--- of a suspected skin lesion mole ----via 10 different wavelengths of light---thus allowing clinicians to see what lies beneath, so to speak (2.5 millimeters). And again, a diagnosis is made in a timely matter--- without body scarring. (Under FDA Review).
Image from company website

Given that the best candidate for body shaping is a person who is in overall good health, fit, with good skin tone and at their ideal weight…that’s right…
There are a few procedures that use the latest technology and deliver results.
First discussed was LipoSonix™ a device that uses high intensity, ultrasound energy to create a thermal effect that destroys fat cells via focused heat…and from what we can see via a web search…the targeted area is the abdominal section. Apparently, “the results are as good as liposuction…” with the slimming effects showing up in 8-12 weeks. AKA-“…a major aesthetic breakthrough.” Available in Europe and under FDA review.
Another body contour/fat reduction modality that Sadick “is really excited about” is the non-invasive UltraShape® that uses similar focused ultrasound wave energy (for belly fat), without any downtime…while “skin, vessels, nerves and connective tissues remain unharmed.” The protocol seems to call for a recommended three treatments, spaced two weeks apart. Before and After Image From ULTRASHAPE®

Dr, Sadick also talked about Zeltiq, ™ a non-invasive cooling of fat cells “based on the patented method of Cryolipolysis,™” that targets and eliminates fat cells. Apparently, the precisely controlled procedure induces lipolysis- a “natural biological inflammatory response” that causes the body to dispose of the damaged fat cells. And as above, all other body parts, including the skin, remain unchanged. (Pending FDA Approval For Non-Invasive Fat Layer Reduction according to company website…as is a Before and After Photo Gallery Link).
For non-invasive tissue tightening, i.e. ---firming up the dreaded cellulite, the presentation focused on how actually understanding what it is…or “a new classification system of cellulite” (brown vs white cells)-should lead to better treatments. Some new approaches that Sadick touched on include the already popular in Europe- Acoustic Wave Therapy “AWT” (yup---like what’s used to bust-up kidney stones) that manipulates the connective tissues= “skin firmness increases and blood circulation in the tissue is significantly enhanced.” A good thing. We did some digging and found that there are two types of AWT out there.
FYI: Sadick’s Research Group is conducting a clinical study on AWT. So, where were we at the sign-up?!
Fillers…are big. No pun intended, but injectables like the FDA approved hyaluronic acid dermal filler Juvéderm® Ultra and Juvéderm® Ultra Plus are already being used to augment cheekbones, facial folds and lips...
What we deem ‘cool’ is the ANTEIS™ Injection system…a pointer pen like, electronic injection device that’s a “technological innovation for optimizing clinical results for filler treatments.” Supposedly this device is a major leap over the plunger pressure or syringe graduations that are employed now…meaning less pain, less bruising and more uniform results. A search on the web turned up the InjectNow Academy™ that makes this patented instrument…
More gain and less pain---in a manner of speaking.
New fillers on the horizon that are aimed at trends including “pan-facial volumizers”…and bio-active fillers that stimulate one’s own cells for lasting facial rejuvenation--- are at various stages of study in the USA--- and at times, already used overseas.
Juvéderm™’s VOLUMA™- “developed to be smoother than other hyaluronic acid (HA) volumizers, making it easier to inject during treatment and resulting in a smooth, natural look and feel…”( Juvéderm™ VOLUMA™).
PLUS: for restoring facial volume.
The hyaluronic acid mixed with tricalcium phosphate, dermal filler Atléan, ® (see Before and After Image from company website) that can last about 12 months…and encourage one's own cells to grow...

…and Hydrelle™, a hyaluronic acid, facial wrinkle filler that is mixed with the ‘lessens the pain’- lidocaine.
We were particularly intrigued with customized fillers for aesthetic purposes via---Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)…a treatment that uses one’s own cells to heal the body. We found a terrific article on how athletes and their doctors use this to heal their own injuries-in the New York Times.
Future applications of Autologous PRP that, according to Sadick, can be applied as an injectable or topical gel to “aid in various metabolic processes…”
include use …as long term fillers---similar to lipotransfer (injecting one’s own fat in the hope that it takes-like a biological scaffold), and “localized injectable rejuvenation.”