C lever or just soon to be an uncool marketing ploy=the monikers tossed out for plain 'ole hemp seed oil to captivate the eyeballs of kids (OR grandkids) of those original Woodstock One goers. (?!) Don't let the maybe annoying distraction take away from the benefits of hemp seed oil as an effective beauty ingredient -legally derived from the multi-asking industrial hemp plant. (FYI-the industrial hemp plant spawns rope + fabric both super popular for decades too). Derived from the non-or practically non -THC (buzz part) strain of the cannabis sativa plant (for the 411 on hemp seed oil and CBD oil read our clip on what it REALLY is- P art One )...the benefits of hemp seed oil-marketed as the maybe sexier sounding cannabis sativa oil are front /center now-the way other plant oils are-think coconut and argan-for beauty/skin/haircare products. No longer hippy centric-and now mainstream...expect to see loads of new products-with hemp seed oil's moisturizing-nourishing