Words, Judith Ecochard
Anyone who can drop out of school, back pack around the planet (7 years!!!), return home, pick up mom’s book on how to make soap, make said soap, head out west, start the biz in a garage, sell out…and launch a brand…AND turn it into a multi-million $ enterprise…
Gets our attention.
PANGEA ORGANICS is the brainchild of Indiana Jones like Joshua Scott Onysko, who has taken the green beauty/body care biz seriously as a way to make a sustainable life and living.
But perhaps for some, the real reason to buy Pangea Organics skin or bath items is that the products work and REALLY smell great.
“Smooth not smothering” is how the creams are billed…and we tried the Facial Cream with the anti-inflammatory French Chamomile and astringent Orange Blossom for oily skin. Awarded a Best Beauty trophy by Redbook Magazine in 2007, we thought, ok. Right off, we liked how the three pumps we massaged in from the neck up--- sunk in without leaving a slick coat of anything...

PLUS: Our skin, the largest organ of our body come to think of it---- felt more protected against the elements, and moist (a good thing) … we didn’t feel like stripping it off with an alcohol soaked cotton ball ---a typical reaction we have to most products that just grease us up. (2 fl oz $36)
We go through toners quickly…and the Facial Toner- French Rosemary With Sweet Orange, actually left us feeling refreshed with clean skin. And the toner actually nourishes with antioxidants (the rosemary), calms inflammation with essential oils like lavender--- and has a pleasing aroma too.

Smart idea to spray lightly on one’s face after cleansing. Hint---close your eyes, first. ($26)
Pangea Organics has whole line of cleansers, scrubs, hand and body care (gels, soaps etc)…in addition to gift sets (hello holidays).
ADDED PLUS: Genius packaging…soak the 100% post consumer made without glues or dye… molded fiber box the goodies come in… for a minute …and plant it an inch down deep in soil. And up sprout spring medical herbs, a spruce tree depending on the product. Cool.
FYI: The Boulder Colorado Pangea Organics facility is wind powered, has a 3000 square foot organic garden for employees paid to grow produce, and is tricked out with non VOC carpets and paints. Work the green mantra.
INFO: “Pangea” refers to the super continent, before Plate Tectonics divided the landmass into the seven continents of the world that exist today.
Available in lot’s of brick and mortar locales like Whole Foods, Ricky’s, Wegmans