SMOOTHSHAPES™ BY ELEMÉ MEDICAL “RESHAPE THE WAY YOU VIEW CELLULITE TREATMENT” Sadick Dermatology, Park Avenue, NYC-May 21st Text, J. Ecochard, Frankly, we don’t obsess about cellulite (we know-we’re like one of the few-‘cause 85% of women have it ). However, any invite to hear our gal pal, dermatologist guru, we totally worship her - Dr. Cherly Karcher who practices with the Sadick Group-talk about an effective, FDA approved treatment for the orange peel like dimples in our lives and on our bodies-get’s a WE’RE IN response. So on a Thursday before the long weekend, we found ourselves sipping glasses of bubbly (a no-no?!?)-in a packed office with editorial types. All of us clung to every syllable of Dr. Karcher’s explanation of what SmoothShapes™ is and does--- wanting oh so much to BELIEVE. What it is exactly is a “ unique combination of laser and dynamic therapy, in addition to contoured rollers and suction.” Meaning, a ten-minute per area gentle massage (manual manipulation and ...