THE DOCTOR GOLDFADEN SKINCARE LINE – Preventative + Restorative Skincare, developed by Dermatologist DOCTOR GOLDFADEN

Text, Vivian G. Kelly
Product Images, from
Image of Dr. Goldfaden from www.lef.orgmagazine
DR. G’s MISSION STATEMENT: "My ultimate goal is to allow people to have a relatively simple skin care regimen that allows them to both prevent skin damage and restore their skin to what it was when they were younger."
As far as we’re concerned, DR. GARY GOLDFADEN is THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN POTION. His UNIFY Daily Complex for redness correction is the magic bullet that ELIMINATES ROSACEA. While there are far bigger problems going on in the world today than our mild case of rosacea, it bothered us. It continued to be a nuisance UNTIL we discovered Dr. Goldfaden’s products, thanks to Peoples’ Revolution Public Relations.
Prior to trying the Dr’s skincare line, we’d gone the route of RX vitamin creams, [Metro-Gel – a vitamin A cream] as well as many different well-known commercial brands. We won’t even begin to touch on all of the green-toned cover sticks we tried and abandoned, that did little to improve our condition.
When People’s Revolution suggested Dr. Goldfaden’s rosacea remedy, we resolved to try it on a long-term basis [more than 30 days]. 30 days is the average minimum length of time the skincare specialists at the many counters we’ve interviewed say it takes to give a product a fair shake.
Dr. Goldfaden has over 40 years under his belt spent treating his patients who have suffered damage to the skin courtesy of the harsh Florida sun. He’s an expert in treating common day-to-day problems such as early aging, wrinkling, and cancers. He came to the conclusion that the major mistakes people make on a daily basis are:
-Abusing their skin as a result of smoking or tanning
- Letting their skin problems go on for too long untreated
- Not following an appropriate skin care regimen
He set about looking for “ the secret ingredient”, something that would be consistent throughout his product lines. He noticed that his mother-in-law, who lived into her 90's, smoked, ate poorly, and treated her skin inappropriately, astonishingly had no real signs of aging. Her aide, who happened to be South African, had been giving her large quantities of red tea to drink.
Red tea also known as ROOIBOS, is one of the most potent known antioxidants. It contains high levels of SOD (super oxide dismutase.) SOD breaks down free radicals in the skin that are created by sun exposure, daily pollutants, and smoking.
The antioxidant powers of RED TEA are the foundation for Dr. G’s line. After much clinical testing, he arrived at a formula the combines the best of botanicals with the highest levels of potent nutriceutical solutions he used in his medical practices. Some of these: pure hyaluronic acid [a fine line filler], acetyl hexapeptitde-3 [combats deep facial lines] and ruby crystals [for micro-dermabrasion].
Once in possession of his breakthrough signature ingredient, Dr. Goldfaden created the Goldfaden product line. Dr. Goldfaden's red tea is organically grown in a small area in South Africa.
While we’re in love with UNIFY, we can’t stress enough that this is A SYSTEM, and you have to use the products accordingly.
In order for it to work, you have to CLEANSE and MOISTURIZE with these products, and only these products to get results, as we did religiously, for over 5 weeks.
What’s great about this line is that you can tailor it specifically to your unique needs. With that in mind, we created a combo we hoped would address fine lines non-stop dryness, and rosacea.
DAILY CLEANSER is a multi-tasker - it removes impurities and makeup.
DAILY SCRUB removes dead surface skin and made our dry skin feel considerably less dehydrated.
1. PURE POWER Red Tea Antioxidant Complex – creates a protective antioxidant barrier
2. UNLINE Daily complex for diminishing lines – the medical-grade serum provides the benefits of Botox®
3.UNIFY Daily complex for redness correction – contains the sun-blocking agent, Titanium Dioxide
4. The 3-IN-1 DAILY MOISTURIZER is an antioxidant treatment for normal/combo skin, & added moisture to our skin, which felt taut after applying the powerful serums.
ADD-ONS – Once a week, we scrubbed with POWER SCRUB – a deep penetrating exfoliant composed of Ruby crystals.
For really dry days, RESURRECTION – an Intensive nutrient moisture serum came to the rescue, and felt intensely healing and moisturizing.
Resurrection is a MUST for those days you’re traveling. We keep RESURRECTION in our travel bag while flying and apply it mid-flight, and a few hours after getting off the plane and having a shower.
The above may seem like a lot of products, but whenever we balked, we thought about all the time we saved not having to apply concealer, liquid makeup and powder to try and look “fresh-faced”. We recommend Dr. Goldfaden’s couture skin care line to anyone who wants to make a serious commitment to their skin at home. While we’re not promising we wouldn’t consider some surgery down the road, Dr. G’s line has put off that eventuality for a few more years. Thanks, Dr. G!
Daily Cleanser, 8 oz., $55
Daily Scrub, 2 oz., $65
Pure Power, 1 oz, $125
Unline, 1 oz. $125
Unify, 1 oz., $85
Power Scrub, 2 oz., $95
Resurrection, 1 oz, $125
For more information and pricing and to view additional products on the line, visit the official website,