words/ some images Judith Ecochard NYC Recently, we met up with a gal pal-who runs a wellness spa-that includes a retail component. Meaning, she can slather on any beauty products she wants-price no problem as her devoted clientele skews upscale...and of course, she demos i all. What she gave the two thumbs up -as her fav- a skin treatment line from her past-the original skincare products developed by Beverly Hills Dermatologist Zein Obagi M.D.-specifically the original Obagi Nu-Derm® System...we were intrigued. Well fast forward to the 21st century and now Dr. Obagi offers an at home, consumer friendly- ZO® SKIN HEALTH product collection-with the latest advanced ingredients and enhanced delivery systems- targeting the aging skin at all levels... AND all available without a prescription or a visit to the doctor's office. . The list of hard core products is extensive---but comprehensible via a questionnaire /test to figure out what one;s skin needs are. We've bee...