Words, Judith Ecochard, Images Courtesy of Companies
We first got a clue about E.L.F. an amazingly cheap and paraben, preservative and chemical free skincare/makeup line in mid February. Really, the prices are staggeringly low and the quality is better than most brands costing more than 2x the price.

Since then, it seems like the economy’s been going southbound…and many gals we know are now forgoing their weekly migrations to the local nail salon for do it at home mani/pedis.
Fortunately, saving some dollars works for polish purchases too as E.L.F. has launched pastel pretty shades for Spring---that are palette clones of way pricier brands…for $1…!!!!!
When we lived in DC, one of the most memorably chat fests we had (no not POLITICS TG) was with a group of women who spent meaningful hours on their hair. As wash and wear types, we were in awe of their abilities to sit in a salon chair for eons- on a weekly basis.
Now we’re thinking they’re probably opting for at home treatments, as we’re all in a pinching pennies’ mode.

And yet, they’re still looking as sleek and chic, follicle wise as when we met them.
So chances are they’re reaching for one brand (under $10 per!) -that probably needs restocking on store shelves; SoftSheen-Carson, the #1 ethnic hair care line globally, that debuts two new products this month.
For grey hairs (they stubbornly pop on dark tresses, we know!), the leading Ethnic haircolor goody - Dark and Lovely ®- now offers 100% gray coverage to women of color with Dark and Lovely ® Color Confidence. The conditioning pre-treatment in Dark and Lovely® Color Confidence defends relaxed or naturally textured hair from dryness and breakage, and the after-color deep conditioner leaves hair visibly healthier-looking. In between, the five color options--- do the job, as promised.
Softsheen-Carson’s Dark and Lovely® is also the same trusted name for do it yourself too. This no-lye relaxer leaves ethnic hair healthier, softer and better protected than ever before with the patented Moisture Seal technology-that harnesses advanced nourishment and natural ingredients to keep luscious locks silky straight and shine healthy.