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Costa Verde International School Benefit Auction -Fashion, Art, Photography, Beauty

 Industria Studios, NYC

The site of many a fashion show (and shoot) on a freezing cold night- hosted a well attended event- benefiting the Costa Verde International School…a Green School Alliance non-profit, pre-k through middle school on Mexico's west coast…that easily warmed the hearts of bidders.
steep walk up lined with photographs donated by rather well known photographers -Anne Menke  and a slew of fashion names like Helena Christensen-model, photographer, mom. Fabulous!
 Why it matters: Education is a precious commodity and not a given in most of the world-just like fresh drinking water. 

Costa Verde International School-(and cultural center)-located in rural Sayulita teaches area children (and adults) the ABCs as well as the 'green approach to living…' that embraces the practical and economic benefits of a sustainable/eco lifestyle.
The school is in a beautiful area of Mexico -an upscale travel destination for many but also where people  live. IMO-a way to 'give back' -reminds us of Confucius' attributed concept: give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

    We were super impressed with the turn-out from the arts and fashion world…practically all dressed in black of course --- actively signing those silent auction sheets to bid on donated works…and scooping up tees-to support the cause.

    Sponsors get bonus points.