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HAIR ESSENTIALS™ Vitamins (Plus)

You are what you a common phrase-for a's true.

As scores of topical hair treatments get introduced every month---guaranteeing luscious locks...(though two of our favs is the been around awhile-the multi-tasking VMV Hypoallergenics Know It All 100% USDA Organic Coconut Oil -cold pressed, preservative free- that really penetrates hair shafts to sooth frizz and repair the chlorine from the pool well as moisturize our skin, grease-free AND the divinely scented, deeply moisturizing - Lenore Greyl Masque Fleurs de Jasmin  -a staple in upscale salons worldwide-even the ones where the owners have their own lines)...

There are also nourishment aids that work from the inside out-meaning vitamin/mineral supplements that are slightly off the radar do-gooders...effective, yet without the massive marketing budgets of conglomerates.

We've written about the amino acid packed Viviscal---(our review)...a cult must-have for many celebs and regular folks-

And recently at the most recent IBS tradeshow...we learned about the all certified gluten free, Hair Essentials supplements...via its support of the nonprofit that is dedicated to help sufferers of Trichotillomania. (A mouthful-but basically defines compulsively pulling out hair, eyelashes, brows...and is not as uncommon as one would think-we read in Marie Claire magazine that actress Olivia Munn suffers from it)...

Abby Walker-the leading light of Hair Essentials™chatted with a bit-and explained how Hair Essentials™ -made up of a proprietary blend of 20 herbs, vitamins and minerals-holistically helps stops production of hair follicles' clogging/choking DHT, stimulates inactive hair follicles  to grow, and nourishes the skin cells on the scalp.

Impressively, Ms. Walker explained how in order to reverse hair loss and make it grow "stronger and faster"---the fully disclosed ingredients in her product line are tested for purity from the get-go too...not just encapsulated without verifying the raw goodies...something we wonder if other vitamin brands even do. 

"There's no question as to what is in Hair Essentials™," she noted-"...we pride ourselves on that...and it's all 100% natural."