Words, Judith Ecochard
Images Courtesy of Karen Millen/Factory PR
British retail power house and Icelandic designer – KAREN MILLEN did the Fashion world a favor by hiring a model as its campaign "face" instead of some celeb we've seen so many times we don't know what their image is selling now.
Supermodel MISSY RAYDER is a personality, sister of supe Frankie, and gorgeous (duh-that's why she's a super model). For the Autumn Winter 2009 advetisements---Rayder is posed in the "edgy glamour of... fringe and studding melded with leathers and skins with slick tailoring."
But it took a Village to get things looking just so...

Photography by MIGUEL REVERIEGO – Numero. Vogue Russia, Wonderland
Styling by VICTORIA YOUNG – Love Magazine, Pop
Art Direction by LEE SWILLINGHAM + STUART SPALDING of Suburbia – Love Magazine, Pop
Hair Styling by SAM HILLERBY –

Makeup by VAL GARLAND - Artistic Adviser for YSL Makeup
