Words, Judith Ecochard
The Fall fashion rags are pushing sky scraping high heels, but looking around Big Apple streets, we notice the women wearing anything but. After all this is a walking town, and not just for the shoppin’ like mad Euros.
SOOOOO....interests were peaked with an inbox item about Martin Dean (English…not the USA Dean Martin) …with pics of his shoe/sneaker/sandal line Cushe Footwear... about to launch in the USA.

Very stylish lined boots and short peds that are a two strap twist on Mary Janes--- had us thinking that this collection is in the niche of the trendy end of things, like the popular Uggs…or Puma / Y-3 Adidas line of kickers…and a bump up from Vans…though Cushe sponsors a bunch of snowboard/surf events across the Pond.

For Winter 2009/2010, some boots are named Mork & Mindy (a Baby Boomer hit TV show from way back when- starring Robin Williams). We get the visual reference though we feel that Generation Y won’t have a clue. Won’t matter, the shoes are cool.

Look for spot on retailers across America to stock the line. We actually love the guys' options too and found some selections on SHOES.COM