the inspiring Bethany Lyons of Lyon's Den Yoga studios- Power Yoga-we felt the "heat' in our muscles…. |
How do you salute the sun... |
"pre-event" entertainment-demo-four gals worthy of Cirque du Soleil... |
All told---about 10,000 yoga practices---in one hour sessions starting at 5:30 AM through 9PM. |
striking a pose …lots of cameras everywhere |
We chatted with Bethany Lyons afterwards…we wondered why yoga is so dominated in this country by female enthusiasts…she felt the nutty crunchy ---and 'girly' (our word) stereotypes of all the different types of 'practices' is changing. And that guys will be challenged and inspired by the poses-fast moving or slower forms.
Realistically we only do yoga 1x a year at this event-but in reality, most of the stretches we do after rather hard core athletic endeavors have yoga equivalents…child pose, fish pose etc.
And let's face it…just about everyone on the planet needs a dose of awareness/mindfulness- to just take a deep breathe…and slowly exhale------