Whether slung as political barbs (
Moscow Mitch), a made up millennial ploy for merged companies (Suntrust+BB&T banks=
Truist) or the latest trending # (too many to list-besides-it's changes hourly)...
Food industry folks are perking up the eyeball grabbing titles... easily grasped by masses...with appeal to biggest eats' spenders-millennials.
Savvy appeal...of course we were curious what the ingredients were....Snack Like A Chef is smart rebrand :-) and yes--thefounders are chefs. |
That's It-fruit bars...succinct-gets to the point -coveted 'simple' few (healthy) ingredients-free of top 8 allergens and no artificial crap |
Swipe right (or is it left???) ...a play on the word-delicious too! Wanna Date-SURE. Four flavors of spreadable tastiness. |
Many cheese mongers have fun friendly monikers-Cypress Grove's offerings come to mind -with its rock music references. Pictured ArtiKAAS Hay There. |
Money On Honey-(Droga Chocolates) ----place your bets on this Fair Trade chocolate sourced company-to dish out winning flavors in its gluten free deep rich dark chocolate. |
NO WHEY! Allergy free vegan treats that taste just as good as the version not 'free from..." CUTE. |
Eat Chic Chocolates-Packaging kudos here-this Brooklyn based company hand makes indulgent chocolates in a slew of formats and flavors. Birthday Cake -is still very popular btw-in cookies, cookie dough, ice cream ...and chocolate. Love the wonder Eat Chic is a fav gift giving choice in the fashion world. |