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Whether slung as political barbs (Moscow Mitch), a made up millennial ploy for merged companies (Suntrust+BB&T banks=Truist) or the latest trending # (too many to list-besides-it's changes hourly)...

Food industry folks are perking up the eyeball grabbing titles... easily grasped by masses...with appeal to biggest eats' spenders-millennials.

Shaquanda's Hot Sauces-celebrating and living one's brand with big bursts of flavors!!!!! 

Savvy appeal...of course we were curious what the ingredients were....Snack Like A Chef is smart rebrand :-) and yes--thefounders are chefs.
That's It-fruit bars...succinct-gets to the point -coveted 'simple' few (healthy) ingredients-free of top 8 allergens and no artificial crap
Swipe right (or is it left???) ...a play on the word-delicious too! Wanna Date-SURE. Four flavors of spreadable  tastiness.
Many cheese mongers have fun friendly monikers-Cypress Grove's offerings come to mind -with its rock music references. Pictured ArtiKAAS Hay There. 
Money On Honey-(Droga Chocolates) ----place your bets on this Fair Trade chocolate sourced company-to dish out  winning flavors in its gluten free deep rich dark chocolate.
NO WHEY! Allergy free vegan treats that taste just as good as the version not 'free from..." CUTE.

Eat Chic Chocolates-Packaging kudos here-this Brooklyn based company hand makes indulgent chocolates in a slew of formats and flavors. Birthday Cake -is still very popular btw-in cookies, cookie dough, ice cream ...and chocolate. Love the wonder Eat Chic is a fav gift giving choice in the fashion world.