Two New York Fashion Fall 2013 shows we missed...but wished we didn't. We thought both labels used some of the most luxurious fabrics with many artful expected---and are more couture-like than RTW.
ThreeAsFour fittingly had their runway at an art gallery, Greene/NAFTALI on West 26th Street...with a RTW collection inspired by the zodiac signs...including a recently discovered 13th sign that should- in turn, inspire an entire new industry of astrologists/chartists/conspiracy theorists.
PLUS: Make-up by one of our fav lines---Temptu
Kati Stern's Mercedes Benz Fashion Week/Lincoln Center ...was a Red Carpet extravaganza including gleaming evening looks---that would make any wearer feel like she's about to win an Oscar.
Bonus points to Mehron for the dramatic smokey eyes make-up... and Philip Pelusi for TELA for the soft side, rolled twists...with an 'S' curve to its shape.
Images: Fashion GPS, Mercedes Benz Fashion Week
Two New York Fashion Fall 2013 shows we missed...but wished we didn't. We thought both labels used some of the most luxurious fabrics with many artful expected---and are more couture-like than RTW.

Bonus points to Mehron for the dramatic smokey eyes make-up... and Philip Pelusi for TELA for the soft side, rolled twists...with an 'S' curve to its shape.
Images: Fashion GPS, Mercedes Benz Fashion Week