Cutting Edge Technology FOR MINIMALISTS Text, J. Ecochard Last Friday, we attended a briefing hosted by the medical technology company Radiancy™ Ltd. Hailing from Israel- where seemingly all of these derma lasers come from (as befits a populace with the highest concentration of science PhD’s/capita anywhere) this firm is on the forefront of both at home and in office skin treatments. ETHNIC SKIN HELP-FINALLY Skin tones used to matter when it came to suitable skin re-surfacing laser treatments. Not anymore- according to the radiant dermatologist, Dr. Dina Strachan , MD-who’s Union Square NYC practice attracts patients of all ethnic backgrounds. One of Strachan's weapons of choice is the Whisper Erbium YAG Laser -that dramatically smoothes acne scars , fine lines and wrinkles (even in sensitive areas), and improves skin texture with minimal downtime. Naturally… Dr. Strachan’s before and after shots after only one treatment of the Whisper Laser- said it all. Even fair skins may see ...