Words/Tradeshow Images Judith Ecochard Hot fun in the summer time doesn’t mean damaged skin. As we embrace the Tri life (swim, bike run=FUN)…we’ve met a lot of veterans of these "competitions” (in quotes cause one is really competing against oneself, if that---unless a Pro/Elite). Some gals who do these things, impress…as they finish often for charity fund raising $--- or to prove to themselves that they can “ Just Do IT. ” And waiting around for Transition to re-open so we can get our bikes (aka the ones worth more than our cars)---is when we notice other things. OBSERVATION: Yeah, some ladies sure can do those Dolphin dives cutting through the ocean waves…but those years on the beach without hardcore sunscreen ---really REALLY shows. On their skin. Really badly speckled, wrinkled, spotted. PLUS: Sunscreens made of chemicals and with preservatives like parabens---wash off into the ocean (lakes, etc). And how can that not be damaging to the fragile eco-system-like delicate...