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Showing posts from July, 2024

5 Micro Vacation Essentials

Less than a week getaways are key to our mental health -enough to explore (or tune out, unplugged)…without feeling overwhelmed with a to do list upon return. It’s a great way to take advantage of the super saver fares (Google Flights alert) and lodging deals that crop up PDQ too. ALWAYS in OUR cary-on roller: 1) Umbrella-unflappable/ unbreakable 'nough said. We all have been there -soaked in sudden downpours...with umbrellas-inverted /broken-at the slightest wind gust- their short lives ENDED- tossed into the nearest trash bin. Repeat repeat repeat- Shed Rain umbrellas made a Portland based family owned company in business as "weather engineers" for 75 years...shields travelers with their portable umbrellas that are truly the sturdiest we've ever had that fit into our 21 inch carry-on bag.  Think about it-  a re-invention of umbrella technology since---oh-the last century that actually exists.  The UNBELIEVABRELLA(tm) genuisly closes its fibergalss and metal tough ...