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Super Peds...Sox Optional

Men's Shoes Get Styled
Text By. J. Ecochard
Photos by Gola/Skins Footwear/J. Ecochard

Warm weather, or more specifically, ridiculously hot, sticky temps, demand a change in wardrobe from head to toe. And while a woman may be prone to sizing up the opposite sex by the shoes he’s wearing...a gent himself must realize the need to get on the good foot (as James Brown opined).

For the shoes may not make the man…but it can definitely ruin an outfit.

Gola Classics, the original century old British line of football (soccer) shoes, has Eurochic, fashion conscious ‘lifestyle’ looks in all combos of leather/suede uppers and trims… in contrasting neutral tones and with Velcro straps (“Crossfire”), easy to wear slip ons (“Slope”) and tennis shoe inspired (“Trick”) with innovative elasticized laces. In stores in time for Father’s Day, the color mixes available, featuring the eye-catching Gola wingflash- can blend for a pulled together head to toe ensemble, or standout like a bling worthy accessory, imparting a bit of pizzazz to hipster black garb-or-Friday casual khakis.

Though on the opposite of the time spectrum, the innovative, recently launched footwear line Skins, is also destined for international acclaim. Founded by Mark Klein, this hard working NY native collaborated with design team Banfi, Zambrelli to come up with a utility patent protected, soft constructed outer “Skins”…that is neatly interchangeable over a one time purchased, customized inner support section, called the “Bone.”

“It’s a big time, value proposition,” notes Klein…because the shoes “always have the same fit and feel…the Skins are collapsible and easily portable…and you can roll them into a ball.”

Currently available via mail order, the customized Bone insert is made of plastic…but Klein is looking forward to using “bamboo because it is moldable” and other recycled and/or renewable materials for the stylish, easy to accumulate Skins-in addition to the leather and canvas ones now out on the market.

So in an era where consumers not only crave authenticity, but also “personalization and responsibility” says Klein. “We’re doing things right for the environment.”

A statement James Brown would heartingly agree with.